Writing 109HU—Writing for the Humanities:
The European Enlightenment

Instructor: James H. Donelan
TR 9:30-10:45
GIRV 1112
Enroll Code: 54544
Email: donelan@writing.ucsb.edu
1523 South Hall
Office Hours: Tuesday and Wednesday, 12:15-1:15, or by appointment.

Descartes, Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy
Publisher: Hackett
ISBN: 0872204200

Damrosch, et. al. The Longman Anthology of British Literature, Vol. 1C, Second Edition
Publisher: Longman
ISBN: 0321106687

Carver, Mozart: Le nozze di Figaro
Publisher: Cambridge
ISBN: 0521316065

ConnectWeb, a computer program available through e-commerce for $20. Students do not need to purchase the program until the third week of classes. Available at: http://connectweb.com/ucsb.asp

Course Description: The course will allow students to refine their skills in scholarship and writing in several humanistic disciplines. Students will address the issues of evidence, interpretation, and critique within each individual discourse and as part of a general understanding of the humanities.

Requirements: The course requires regular attendance, active participation in class discussion and activities, and timely completion of all assignments, including short on-line assignments, a brief essay on philosophy (5-6 pages), an annotated bibliography, and one longer essay (8-10 pages). All written assignments after the first week are due on-line through ConnectWeb. Students will also give an oral presentation on a topic related to the longer essay. In addition, please observe the following rules:


I: Philosophy: Enlightenment Epistemology

Handout: Kant, "What is Enlightenment?"
In-class exercise: Writing sample.

Reading: Descartes, "Discourse on Method"; Sherman and Zwicker, "The Restoration and the Eighteenth Century," 2061
Homework: One-page summary of argument. Bring a copy of the assignment on a floppy disk if possible.
In-class assignment: Summary critique and analysis.

Class meets in Phelps 1529 today.
Reading: Descartes, "Meditations on First Philosophy"
Homework: One-page comparison of Kant and Descartes.
In-class: Types of argument.

Reading: Locke, from An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, 2661.
Homework: Philosophy essay prospectus and outline.
In-class: Prospectus and outline critique.

Class meets in Phelps 1529 today.
Reading: Hume, from An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, 2677.
Homework: Philosophy essay draft.
In-class: Partner draft evaluation.

II: Literature: Satire, Poetry, and Criticism

Reading: Swift, "A Modest Proposal" 2466
Homework: Philosophy Essay Due.
In-class: Why write criticism?

Class meets in Phelps 1529 today.
Reading: Swift, continued.
Homework: One-page critical argument on Swift .
In-class: Examination of evidence

10 /19
Reading: Pope, "Essay on Criticism," 2476; Lady Montagu, "The Lover: A Ballad" 2582
Homework: Short Critical Analysis.
In-class: Defining poetry.

Class meets in Phelps 1529 today.
Reading: Goldsmith, "The Deserted Village," 2874; Gray, "Elegy...," 2715.
Homework: Prospectus of main project: Draft
In-class: Defining research strategies.

Homework: Prospectus: Final Version
In-class: Research Strategies

III: Opera as Music and Drama: Mozart’s Marriage of Figaro

Class meets in Phelps 1529 today.
Readings: Mozart/da Ponte, Le nozze di Figaro (libretto)
Homework: How can you write about music?
In-class: Music criticism, musicology, musical analysis.

Readings. Mozart/da Ponte, Le nozze di Figaro (opera)
Homework: Working bibliography .
In-class: Managing sources.

Class meets in Phelps 1529 today.
Readings: Mozart, continued.
Homework: Annotated Bibliography Due

IV: History

Reading: "The Royal Academy and the New Science," 2123; Boswell, from London Journal, 2828.
Homework: The problem of interpretation.
In-class: Historical argument.

11/11 Veteran's Day--no class today.

Readings: Hughes, "A Horse Foaled by an Acorn" (xerox); "Perspectives: Reading Papers, News and Comment" 2388
Homework: Historical evidence.
In-class: "What really happened?"

V: Art History: Eighteenth Century Painting

Class meets in Phelps 1529 today.
Readings: Hogarth, A Rake’s Progress, 2646
Homework: Progress report.

Readings: "Perspectives: Women and Men" 2422
Homework: What is marriage?
In-class: Editing techniques; art criticism.

11/25 Happy Thanksgiving!

In-class: Putting it all together—final workshop.
Homework: Full rough draft due.

Class meets in Phelps 1529 today.
Oral presentations. Final Class.

Final project due.