Writing 2: Academic Writing
Fall 2007

Instructor: James Donelan
Email: donelan@writing.ucsb.edu
Office Phone: 893-8329; messages only, 893-2613
Office Location:
1319 Girvetz Hall
Office Hours: Monday 10-11, Tuesday 11:00-12:00 or by appointment.
Enroll Code: 46193
Class Meetings: MW, 8-9:50, Mondays, HSSB 1236; Wednesdays, Phelps 1529
Lab Meetings: The class will meet in Phelps 1529 on all Wednesdays.

Home Page: http://www.writing.ucsb.edu/faculty/donelan

Hacker, A Writer’s Reference
Hawking, A Briefer History of Time
Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway

Ward (ed.), World War One British Poets
A reader available at Grafikart in Isla Vista

Texts are available in the UCen Bookstore. Some additional readings will be on reserve at Davidson Library. Copies of the course books will not be on reserve; please purchase them as soon as possible. ConnectWeb, a computer program, is available online via E-commerce for $20. Purchase of the program is mandatory by the end of the third week of classes.

ConnectWeb Home Page: http://connectweb.com/ucsb.asp

Course Description:

The course will explore the fundamental forms and styles of academic writing across the disciplines through developments in a single historical period, the beginning of the twentieth century. Students will research and write a series of exercises and essays in three areas: natural science, social science, and the humanities.

Course Outcomes:
Students who complete the course successfully should be able to:

The course requires regular attendance, active participation in class discussion and activities, and timely completion of all assignments, including short on-line assignments and preliminary drafts as well as the final draft of each assignment .All written assignments after the first week are due on-line through ConnectWeb. In addition, please note:


Please note: Full descriptions of all writing assignments are posted on ConnectWeb. Assignments and their deadlines may change—check ConnectWeb often.

I.Science: Modern Physics

10/1 Introduction and Logistics: Academic Writing and the Modern World

Class meets in the lab, Phelps 1529.
Reading: Kuhn, “The Route to Normal Science” (Reader); Hacker, Section A
250 word (1 page) answer to the question, “What is a normal science?” Please have the assignment available as a Microsoft Word or html file, if possible.
In-class: Introduction to ConnectWeb; the scientific method; the writing process

Kuhn, “Revolutions”; Hawking, Chapters 1-5; Hacker, Section S
Brief summary of Chapter 5 (250 words—details on ConnectWeb)
In-class: Writing in the disciplines; your strengths and weaknesses.

Class meets in the lab, Phelps 1529.
Reading: Hawking, Chapters 6-8; Hacker, Section C
Homework: Scientific definitions
In-class: Effective summarizing; definitions; improving sentence style.

Hawking, Chapters 9-12
Homework: Basic research; beginning of Scientific Review
In-class: Library visit

Class meets in the lab, Phelps 1529.
Reading: Feynman, “Quantum Behavior”
In-class: Peer review of drafts.
Homework: Draft of Scientific Review

10/19 Scientific Review Final Draft due by 8:00PM.

II: Social Science: The Social Science of Modern War

Fussell, “On Modern War”; Keegan, “The Somme”—”The Battlefield” through “The Battle.”
Homework: Historical Argument
In-class: What is modern about modern war?

Class meets in the lab, Phelps 1529.
Reading: Keegan, “The Somme”—”Infantry versus Machine-Gunners” to end.
Homework: Historical Evidence
In-class: Critical reading exercise

Reading: Sweeney, “Letter to Ivy Williams”; Horowitz, et. al. “Introduction,” “Signs and Symptons of PTSD”
Homework: Prospectus for Social Science Essay 
In-class: Group discussion

Class meets in the lab, Phelps 1529.
Reading: Freud, “Introduction to Psycho-Analysis and the War Neuroses.
Homework: Social Science Research 
In-class: Research colloquium

Reading: Pitman, et al. “Psychophysiologic Responses to Combat Imagery.”
Homework: Developing your research
In-class: Scientific and historical viewpoints

Class meets in the lab, Phelps 1529.
Reading: Keegan, “The Abolition of Battle”
Homework: Outline and working thesis
In-class: Partner critique

11/9 Social Science Essay Due by 12:00PM.

11/12 Veterans’ Day. No class.

III. Humanities: Modernism in Poetry and the Novel

Class meets in the lab, Phelps 1529.
Reading: Poems by Brooke, Owen, Sassoon, and Graves, in World War I British Poets
Homework: Poetry and experience
In-class: Discussion: the nature of poetry.

Poems by Auden and Stevens (reader)
Homework: Poetry and Modernism
In-class: Peer review and final revisions; introduction to humanities section

Class meets in the lab, Phelps 1529.

Pre-Thanksgiving Conferences

Reading: Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway, first half
Prospectus of humanities essay; humanities research
In-class: Developing a critical perspective

Class meets in the lab, Phelps 1529.
Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway, second half
Outline of humanities essay
In-class: Research, criticism, and argument

Reading: Mrs. Dalloway, review
Homework: First two pages of humanities essay—bring printout to class.
In-class: Discussion of Mrs. Dalloway, the modern novel.

Class meets in the lab, Phelps 1529.
Reading: Mrs. Dalloway, review
Homework: Full draft of humanities essay.
In-class: Group discussion and review.
Last Day of Class

12/7 Final draft of humanities essay due.