Lords, Ladies, Marriage, and Devotion: The World of the Heptameron
I. Stories 9 and 10: Secret Love and Amador’s Revenge
A. Story 9: Dying for Love
B. Pining for Principle
C. Story 10: Amador’s Pursuit and Florida’s Virtue
D. Virtue Rewarded?
E. War, Capture, and an Arranged Marriage
F. Disfigurement and Distress
G. Courage or Cowardice? Love or Duty? Honor or Absurdity?
II. Stories 21 and 24: Lost Loves for a Bastard and a Queen
A. Story 21: The Unchanging Heart
B. A Queen’s Displeasure and a No-Good Bastard
C. Story 24: Elisor’s Mirror and Poetic Justice
D. Between Loyalty and Politics
III. Stores 30, 31, and 32: Perversions and Cruelties
A. Story 30: A Tale of Incest
B. Story 31: The Murderous Monk
C. Story 32: The Lover’s Skull, a Momento Mori
D. Portraits of Sorrow
IV. Stories 35, 38, and 40: Angry Men and Abused Women
A. Story 35: Love and Exorcism
B. Story 38: Love and Shame
C. Story 40: A Castle for a Widow
D. A Moderate Position
V. Stories 45, 49, and 56: Deceptions and Disappointments
A. Story 45: Boccaccio’s Return
B. Story 49: An Accommodating Countess
C. Story 56: Husband for Hire
VI. Stories 57, 64, and 67: The Return of Chivalry and Devotion
A. Story 57: The Story of the Glove
B. Story 64: A Suitor Retires
C. Story 67: Lost in Canada
D. Married Love, or the Death of Chivalry