Philosophy and Literature: Plato’s Apology
and Aristotle’s Poetics
- The Difference Between Philosophy and Literature
- Categories of Knowledge
- Literary and Philosophical Discourse
- Form and Content
- The Origins of Greek Philosophy
- Three Presocratics: Xenophanes (c. 560-478 BCE), Empedocles (c. 490-430
BCE), and Parmenides (c. 515 BCE)
- Greek Thought and Mathematics: The Cult of Pythagoras (c. 580-500 BCE)
- The Sophists
- Socrates (c. 470-399 BCE) and the City
- Knowing and Writing
- The Apology
- Aristophanes’ Clouds
- Individual Thought and Collective Good
- Plato’s Dialogues and the Founding of the Academy
- Knowing and Writing: Phaedrus
- Plato’s Academy
- The Doctrine of the Forms
- The City and the Universe: Republic and Timaeus
V. Aristotle’s Poetics: The Philosophy of Literature
- Lecture Notes
- Systematic Philosophy
- The Structure of Drama