Swords, Shields,
and Bards: Beowulf and the Warrior’s Code
I. England in the Dark and Middle Ages
- Dark, Middle, or Medieval?
- The End of the Roman Empire
- Germanic Tribes and the Origins of the English Language
- Vikings and Invaders
- The Last of the Saxons
II. The Language and the Text
- The Text and the Manuscript: c. 800AD
- Alliterative Verse: Stressed Meter
- The Return of the Bard: The Scop
- Caedmon (658-680?) and Christianity
- “The Wife’s Lament”
III. Hrothgar’s Hall and Beowulf’s Arrival in Heorot
- The History of Heorot
- Grendel’s Reign of Terror
- Beowulf’s Arrival
- Hrothgar’s Hall
- Kinship and Ring-giving
- Bragging Rights
IV. The Battle with Grendel
- Hand-To-Hand Combat
- The Monster’s Hide
- Sigemund’s Story
- The Fight in Finn’s Hall
V. The Battle
with Grendel’s Mother
- Aeschere’s Death
- The Heroic Code
- The Monster’s Lair
- The Melting Sword
- The Monster’s Head
VI. The Battle with the Dragon
- Fifty Years of Rule
- “Somebody Now Forgotten”
- Beowulf’s Hall Burned
- Stories of Feuds with the Swedes
- A Final Boast, and a Final Battle
VI. The Funeral
- Wiglaf’s Speech
- More Blood Feuds
- The End of an Era