Gilgamesh: The Transformation of a Hero
- The Library of Asurbanipal (668–627 BCE) and the Standard Version
- Literary Epic
- Translations and Lacunae
- Context and Interpretation
- Tablets I and II: Civilizing a King and a Wildman
- Heroic Epithets and the Walls of Uruk
- The Abuse of Power
- The Gods Hear and a Contender Emerges
- The Taming of Enkidu
- A Quest for Heroes
- Tablets III-V: Hunting Humbaba
- Warnings and Hesitation
- The Purpose of the Hunt
- A Curse and a Prize
- Tablets VI and VII: The Gods’ Revenge
- Refusing Ishtar’s Advances
- The Bull of Heaven
- Divine Retribution
- Tablets VIII-IX: A Quest for Immortality
- The Hero Matures
- The Scorpion Monster and His Wife
- Siduri and the Tavern at the End of the World
- Ur-Shanabi and the Lost Stones
- Tablets X-XI: Utanapishtim’s Answer and a Return to Uruk
- The Journey Across the Waters of Death
- The Boatman Leaves
- What the Snake Stole