The Iliad: Achilles’ Wrath and Fate’s Balance



I.                    The Iliad in the Twentieth Century

A.     W.H. Auden’s “The Shield of Achilles”

B.     The Nature of War

C.     War Through the Ages

II.                 Book I: A Dispute Among Kings

A.     The First Word: Wrath

B.     Rank and Merit

C.     Prestige and Wisdom

D.     The Ways of Gods and Men

III.               Book VI: The Warrior in the City

A.     Diomedes and Glaucus: Friends Among Enemies

B.     The Temptations of City Life

C.     Helen of Argos

D.     Andromache’s Tears

E.      Rallying Paris

IV.              Books VIII and IX: Battle and Counsel

A.     Homeric Simile

B.     Retreat to the Ships

C.     Arguments for Battle

D.     The Argument Against

V.                 Book XVI: Death and Rescue in Battle

A.     Sarpedon, Son of Zeus

B.     Aeneas, Son of Aphrodite

C.     Patroclus, Friend of Achilles

D.     Apollo’s Intervention

E.      Death and Spoils

VI.              Book XVIII: The Shield of Achilles

A.     Achilles’ Sorrow

B.     Hephaestus’ World View

C.     Weddings and Justice

D.     Harvests and Songs

E.      The Circle of Dancers

VII.            Books XXII and XXIV: Hector’s Death and Funeral

A.     Courage and Cowardice

B.     The Phantom Brother

C.     Piety and Impiety

D.     Athena’s Intervention

E.      “Die, die!”

F.      A Father’s Request