The City and the Family: Euripides’ Medea


Euripides (480-406 BCE) and Fifth Century Athens

·        Athenian Democracy

·        Athenian Imperialism

·        The Rights and Responsibilities of a Citizen

·        Debate and Drama


Greek Drama

Contests and Contexts

Homer’s Crumbs

The Ritual for Dionysus

Revelry and Respect

Apollo and Dionysus


Medea: Family and Discord

Exile and Mistrust

Woman’s Fate

Wife or Wives?

Sent into Exile

Bickering and Plotting


The Murder and the Escape

Aigeus’s Promise

The Chorus of Reason

The Crime

Bitter Words

What the Gods Achieve


Aristotle’s Categories

Hamartia (Flaw) and Hubris (Pride)

Peripatea (Reversal) and Anagnorsis (Discovery)




Midterm Review: The Works


The Exaltation of Inanna by Enheduanna

The Hebrew Bible

Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey

Sappho’s Poems

Euripides’ Medea


The Times and Places

The Ancient Near East: c. 2500-1500 BCE

Israel, c. 1000-300BCE

Ancient Greece

Homer, c. 750-800 BCE

Sappho, c. 630 BCE

Euripides, 480-406 BCE


The Major Themes



God and Divine Punishment

War, Rage, and Justice

Rank and Merit


The Forms

The Literary Epic

The Prayer or Hymn

The Sacred Text

The Oral Epic

The Lyric

The Play