Writing 109HU—Writing for the Humanities:
Spring 2007

Instructor: James Donelan
Email: donelan@writing.ucsb.edu
Office Phone: 893-8329; messages only, 893-2613
Office Location:
1319 Girvetz Hall
Office Hours:
Tuesday, 11-12; Wednesday, 11-12; or by appointment.
Class Meetings:  Mondays 9:30-10:45, HSSB 1210
Lab Meetings: Wednesdays, 9:30-10:45, Phelps 1529
Enroll code: 46201

ConnectWeb, a computer program, is available online via E-commerce for $20. Purchase of the program is mandatory. You do not have to buy the program until you know you will definitely be taking the class.
Milam, A Practical Handbook for Writing in the Humanities, ISBN: 015505015X
Stevens, The Palm at the End of the Mind, ISBN: 0679724451
Russell, The Problems of Philosophy, ISBN: 019511552X
Berg, Wozzeck, ISBN: 0714542016
Cottington, Modern Art: A Very Short Introduction, ISBN: 0192803646

Texts are available in the UCen Bookstore. Copies of the course books will not be on reserve; please purchase them as soon as possible.

ConnectWeb Home Page: http://connectweb.com/ucsb.asp

Course Description:
Analysis of various forms of writing for the humanities, both academic and professional. Attention to modes and methods of argumentation, research methods, design of papers, stylistic clarity, and editing strategies.

Course Outcomes:
Students who complete the course successfully should be able to:

The course requires regular attendance, active participation in class discussion and activities, and timely completion of all assignments, including short on-line assignments, a brief essay on literature (1800 words), an annotated bibliography (1500 words), and a longer research project (3000 words). All written assignments after the first week are due on-line through ConnectWeb. In addition, please note:


Please note: Full descriptions of all writing assignments are posted on ConnectWeb. Both the assignments and their deadlines may change—be sure to check the syllabus posted on ConnectWeb as the class progresses.

I. Fundamentals of Critical Writing: The Literature Essay

This unit will help you polish your basic writing skills, learn (or perfect) MLA documentation style, and sharpen your understanding of the goals of literary criticism and scholarship, especially in relation to poetry.

Introduction and Logistics: Writing for the Humanities

Class meets in the computer lab, 1529 Phelps Hall.
Handbook, Part One; Palm, “Sunday Morning” and “Peter Quince” 5-10.
Homework: 250 word statement of personal goals for the course.
In-class: Introduction to ConnectWeb; your writing strengths and weaknesses; comparison of goals statements.

Reading: Handbook, Part Two; Palm, “Thirteen” 20, “Anecdote” 46.
Homework: MLA citation exercise.
In-class: Literary scholarship and criticism; validity and subjectivity in the humanities.

Class meets in the computer lab, 1529 Phelps Hall.
Palm, “Snow Man” 54, “Emperor,” 79, “Idea of Order” 97.
Homework: 250 word explication of a poem by Stevens.
In-class: Poetry and versification. Moving from explication to interpretation.

Palm, “Poems” 158, “Of Modern Poetry” 174, “Extracts” 178.
Homework: Full outline and first paragraph of literature essay.
Improving and expanding outlines; peer review of first paragraphs; building a thesis statement; effective organization of a short essay; improving sentence style.

Class meets in the computer lab, 1529 Phelps Hall.
Palm, “The Auroras of Autumn” 307.
Homework: Full draft due.
In-class: Peer review of drafts. Revision and editing.

4/20 Literature essay due.

II. Humanities Arguments: Philosophy and the Annotated Bibliography

In this unit, you will continue to develop your analytic skills by reading and writing about philosophy, and you will begin research on your major project by finding sources and reporting on them in an annotated bibliography.

Reading: Handbook, Part Three; Problems, 1-45.
Homework: Two-paragraph response to Russell.
In-class: Introduction to annotated bibliography assignment; the purpose of philosophy.

Class meets in the computer lab, 1529 Phelps Hall.
Problems, 46-100.
Homework: Preliminary source list; “Idealism and Analytic Philosophy”
Research techniques; developing a topic.

Reading: Problems, 111-162.
Homework: First two entries of annotated bibliography; bring hard copy to class.
AB style; identifying a thesis in a source; philosophical discussion.

Class meets in the computer lab, 1529 Phelps Hall.
Homework: Full rough draft of annotated bibliography.
In-class: Peer review of annotated bibliographies; AB introduction.

5/4 Annotated Bibliography Due.

III. Critical Issues in Music and Art: The Final Project

While you develop and complete your final project, we will read and write about music and art, paying careful attention to the kinds of arguments and issues raised in those fields. You will also work on your planning and time management skills, so that you can finish on time and create a polished, carefully thought-out project without neglecting your other responsibilities.

Reading: Wozzeck, libretto.
Homework: “Interpreting Music”
In-class: Introduction to the final project; scheduling and time management; Wozzeck.

5/8 Full showing of Wozzeck TBA.

Class meets in the computer lab, 1529 Phelps Hall.
Prospectus for final project; response to Wozzeck.
In-class: Peer review of prospectuses; beginning an outline.

Modern Art, Introduction and Chapter 1
Final prospectus; expanded source list.
In-class: Outlining and the work process.

Class meets in the computer lab, 1529 Phelps Hall.

Reading: Modern Art, Chapters 2 and 3
Preliminary outline; working thesis.
In-class: Thesis development.

Modern Art, Chapters 4 and 5
Full outline.
In-class: Peer assessment of progress.

Class meets in the computer lab, 1529 Phelps Hall.
Reading notes; revised and expanded outline.

5/28 Memorial Day Holiday. No class.

Class meets in the computer lab, 1529 Phelps Hall.
Homework: First paragraph and revised thesis.
In-class: Large-scale structure; modern art

Homework: Full rough draft; check of preliminary materials.

In-class: Peer review.

Class meets in the computer lab, 1529 Phelps Hall.
Revision of full draft.
In-class: Working titles; progress report.

6/8 Final Project Due.