Writing 109SS: Writing for the Social Sciences
Winter 2007
Instructor: James Donelan
Email: donelan@writing.ucsb.edu
Office Phone: 893-8329; messages only, 893-2613
Office Location: 1319 South Hall
Office Hours: Monday, 9:30-10:30AM, Tuesday, 8:30-9:30AM, or by appointment
Class Meetings: M W 8:00-9:15, Girvetz 1112; M W 11:00-12:15 387 104
Lab Meetings: Class will meet in the Miramar Lab, Phelps 1526 on Wednesdays.
Enroll Codes: 48025 (8AM); 48058 (11AM)
ConnectWeb, a computer program, is available online via E-commerce for $20. Purchase of the program is mandatory.
Weidenborner, Caruso, and Parks, Writing Research Papers: A Guide to the Process
Lechner and Boli, The Globalization Reader
Texts are available in the UCen Bookstore. Copies of the course books will not be on reserve; please purchase them as soon as possible.
ConnectWeb Home Page: http://connectweb.com/ucsb.asp
Course Outcomes:
Students who complete the course successfully should be able to:
The course requires regular attendance, active participation in class discussion and activities, and timely completion of all assignments, including short on-line assignments, an annotated bibliography (1500 words), a brief essay on methodology (1800 words), and a longer research project (3000 words). All written assignments after the first day are due on-line through ConnectWeb. In addition, please note:
Please note: Full descriptions of all writing assignments are posted on ConnectWeb. Both the assignments and their deadlines may change—be sure to check the syllabus posted on ConnectWeb as the class progresses.
I. Research and Summary: Annotated Bibliography
Introduction and Logistics: Writing for the Social Sciences
Class meets in Phelps 1526.
Reading: Writing, Chapters 1-3; Barber, “Jihad vs. McWorld,” 29
Homework: 250 word statement of personal goals for the course. Please have the assignment available as a Microsoft Word or html file, if possible.
In-class: Introduction to ConnectWeb; the requirements of social science writing; types of essays.
1/15 Martin Luther King Day—No Classes.
Class meets in Phelps 1526.
Reading: Writing, Chapter 4; Huntington, “The Clash of Civilizations?” 36
Homework: 250 word annotated bibliography entry for an article.
In-class: Creation of working groups; your writing strengths and weaknesses.
Reading: Writing, Chapters 5 and 12; Hobsbawm, “The World Unified” 58
Homework: Annotated bibliography entry for a book.
In-class: The parts of a book; effective summarizing; improving sentence style.
Class meets in Phelps 1526.
Reading: Writing, Chapters 6 and 7; Meyer, “World Society and the Nation State” 84
Homework: Full rough draft of annotated bibliography.
In-class: Introducing an annotated bibliography; peer review of drafts.
Reading: Writing, Chapters 19 and 20; Watson, “McDonald’s in Hong Kong” 125
Homework: Annotated bibliography due. Please post by class time.
In-class: Introduction to methodology essay assignment; method and critique.
II. Critique and Method: Methodology Essay
Class meets in Phelps 1526.
Reading: Writing, Chapter 14; Korzeniewicz, “Commodity…Marketing Strategies” 167
Homework: Prospectus of methodology essay.
In-class: Peer review of prospectuses; improving paragraph style.
Reading: Writing, Chapter 15; Stiglitz, “Globalism’s Discontents” 200
Homework: Outline and first paragraph of methodology essay.
In-class: Research methods; evaluation of sources
Class meets in Phelps 1526.
Reading: Writing, Chapter 16; Annan, “The Role of the State in…Globalization” 240
Homework: Full rough draft of methodology essay.
2/9 Methodology essay final draft due.
III. The Social Science Research Project
Reading: Berkovitch, “The…International Women’s Movement” 251
In-class: Introduction to the final project. Scheduling and time management.
Class meets in Phelps 1526.
Homework: Prospectus for final project.
In-class: Peer review of prospectuses; beginning an outline.
2/19 Presidents’ Day—No Classes.
Class meets in Phelps 1526.
Reading: Tomlinson, “Cultural Imperialism” 303
Homework: Preliminary research and outline; revision of prospects.
In-class: Project plans, Part II.
Reading: Lechner, “Global Fundamentalism” 326
Homework: Reading notes; revised outline.
In-class: Large-scale structure.
Class meets in Phelps 1526.
Reading: Sachs, “Globalization and Sustainability” 404
Homework: Full outline.
In-class: Peer assessment of progress.
Homework: First paragraph and working thesis.
In-class: Thesis building; peer review.
Class meets in Phelps 1526.
Homework: Draft of first two pages.
In-class: Working titles; progress report.
Homework: Full rough draft; check of preliminary materials.
In-class: Peer review of drafts.
Class meets in Phelps 1526.
Homework: Revision of Final Project.
3/16 Final Project Due.