Writing 2LK—Academic Writing Linked to Art History 6B

Instructor: James H. Donelan
Meeting Times: Tuesday, Thursday 11:00-12:50, HSSB 1215
Lab Meetings: Class will meet in the Miramar Lab, 1526 Phelps Hall, on Thursdays.
Enroll Code: 57125
Email: donelan@writing.ucsb.edu Office: 1319 Girvetz Hall
Office Hours: Monday, 9:30-10:30, Tuesday 8:30-9:30, or by appointment.

Hacker, A Writer’s Reference, 6th Edition (Hacker)
Arnold, Art History: A Very Short Introduction (AH)
Readings from Art History 6B
ConnectWeb, an online computer program (purchase through e-commerce after 1/11)

Course Description: The course will explore the fundamental forms and styles of academic writing in essays related to the content of Art History 6B. Students will also improve their reading and critical thinking skills through class discussion and exercises.

Requirements: The course requires regular attendance, active participation in class discussion and activities, and timely completion of all assignments. Students must also complete all Art History 6B reading assignments for use in Writing 2LK.
You will write three in-class essays, a three-page paper, a five-page paper, and a seven-page paper. Your grade will be determined as follows:

  1. First in-class essay—5%
  2. Second in-class essay—10%
  3. Third in-class essay—15%
  4. First (three-page) paper—15%
  5. Second (five-page) paper—20%
  6. Third (seven-page) paper—25%
  7. Participation and completion of homework assignments—10%

Course Outcomes:

Students who complete the course successfully should be able to:

In addition, please observe the following rules:



I: Terms, Definitions, and Sentences: Description

In-class: Writing sample and logistics; how to take a lecture class.

Reading: AH, Chapter 1; Hacker, C
Homework: One-paragraph definitions of "humanism" and "International Style."
In-class: Terms, periods, and styles.

Reading: AH, Chapter 2, Hacker, A
Homework: One-page description of an art work.
In-class: Comparing definitions; building better sentences.

Reading: AH, Chapter 3; Hacker, S
Homework: Rough draft of analysis.
In-class: Peer review; prose style and sentence combining.

Descriptive Analysis Due

II: Paragraph Development: Comparative Interpretations of Visual Art Works

Reading: AH, Chapter 4; Hacker, R
Homework: One-page essay on an artist-patron relationship and its effect on a work.
In-class: Difficult sentences; analytic reading and introduction to comparisons.

Reading: Hacker, MLA
Homework: Find and explain three comparative thesis sentences from the readings (one paragraph each).
In-class: First In-class Essay

Homework: Prospectus and rough outline of comparative essay.
In-class: Working with outlines; commas.

Homework: Three well-formed topic sentences, including a thesis statement.
In-class: Second In-class Essay; introduction to colons and semicolons.

Homework: Introductory paragraph and full outline.
In-class: Working with thesis sentences.

Homework: Midterm questions and study guide.
In-class: Midterm preparation.

Library visit. Class meets in the Arts Library.

Homework: First half of rough draft.
In-class: Editing and revision.

Homework: Full draft of essay.
In-class: Final peer review; introduction to thematic essays.

Homework: Prospectus of thematic essay.
In-class: Research and argument.

Homework: Working bibliography.
In-class: Quotation embedding; citation methods.

Homework: Reading notes; outline.
In-class: Topic and thesis development with research.

Homework: Draft of introduction and full outline.
In-class: Third In-class Essay

3/8 Group Meetings.  

Homework: First draft of essay.
In-class: Peer review; oral presentations.

Final class.
Homework: Second draft of essay
In-class: Evaluation and discussion of W2LK.

Thematic essay due.