Writing 109HU—Writing for the Humanities:
Instructor: James H. Donelan
Email: donelan@writing.ucsb.edu
Phone: 893-8329; messages only, 893-2613
Home page: http://www.writing.ucsb.edu/faculty/donelan
Class Meetings: Monday 11:00-12:15, TD 2600; Wednesday 11:00-12:15, Phelps 1529
Enroll No.: 46664
Office Hours: Monday 10-11, Tuesday 11:00-12:00 or by appointment.
Office Location: 1319 Girvetz Hall
Home Page: http://www.writing.ucsb.edu/faculty/donelan
Wordsworth, ed. The Penguin Book of Romantic Poetry
Vaughan, Romanticism and Art
Hegel, On Art, Religion, and the History of Philosophy: Introductory Lectures
A reader available at Graphikart in Isla Vista
Students are expected to own a writing handbook, such as Hacker's A Writer's Reference.
Computer Program:
Students will subscribe to an online program, ConnectWeb, which costs $20.
The books and CD are available at the UCen book store.
Course Description: The course will allow students to refine their skills in scholarship and writing in several humanistic disciplines. Students will address the issues of evidence, interpretation, and critique within each individual discourse and as part of a general understanding of the humanities.
Requirements: The course requires regular attendance, active participation in class discussion and activities, and timely completion of all assignments, including reading journal entries, in-class essays, a short essay on literature (5-6 pages), an annotated bibliography, and one longer essay on a subject of your choice (8-10 pages). Students will also give an oral presentation on a topic related to the longer essay.
In addition, please do your best to observe the following rules:
I: Literature: English Romantic Poetry
All selections in this unit are from Wordsworth, The Penguin Book of Romantic Poetry, unless otherwise noted.
Introduction and logistics
Class meets in Phelps 1529 today.
Reading: Wordsworth, “Preface” and “Introduction,” xxvii-xlvii
Writing: Reading journal: scholarship
Wordsworth, “Images of a Mighty Mind” 264-294. Hartman, "Via Natualiter Negativa" (reader)
Writing: Journal Entry 1: literary criticism
In-class: Discussion of criticism; sentence style
Class meets in Phelps 1529 today.
Reading: Liu, "The History in ‘Imagination’" (reader). Wordsworth, “Immortality Ode” 327.
Writing: Journal Entry 2: reading poetry
In-class: Embedding quotations; use of primary and secondary sources
Library Visit
Reading: Percy Shelley, "Mont Blanc," 310; “The Mask of Anarchy,” 652
Writing: Journal Entry 3: competing theories and developing a position
Class meets in Phelps 1529 today.
Reading: More, “Slavery: A Poem," 620; Yearsley, “Death of Luco,” 622; Southey, “Poems on the Slave Trade,” 630; Jacobus, "Geometric Writing and Romantic History" (reader)
Writing: Essay Outline; Journal Entry 4: politics and literature
In-class: Essay structure and argumentation
Reading: Shelley, “Hymn to Intellectual Beauty” 336
Writing: Essay draft. Bring a hard copy to class; Journal Entry 5: Romantic aesthetics
In-class: Editing a draft; global, local, and surface issues
Class meets in Phelps 1529 today.
Reading: Keats, "Ode on a Grecian Urn," 343; “Ode to a Nightingale,” 341
Writing: Draft Revision; Journal Entry 6: formal and natural beauty
In-class: Feedback and editing
Essay on Poetry Due
II: Philosophy: G. W. F. Hegel
All selections in this unit are from Hegel, Lectures, unless otherwise noted.
Excerpt from Hegel for Beginners (reader).
Reading: “The Concept of the Beautiful,” 48-102
Writing: Journal Entry 6: understanding philosophy
In-class: Developing a topic; definitions and terms
Class meets in Phelps 1529 today.
Reading: “The Notion of the History of Philosophy” 207-246
Writing: Journal Entry 7: history and philosophy
In-class: Reference and scholarly sources; creating a prospectus; annotated bibliography entries
III: History: The French Revolution and the Slave Trade
All selections are from the reader.
Reading: Burke, excerpts from Reflections on the Revolution in France.
Writing: Prospectus due; bring a hard copy to class; Journal Entry 8: tradition and progress.
In-class: Evaluating the prospectus; the approval process; developing a work schedule
Class meets in Phelps 1529 today.
Reading: Wilberforce, "Speech in the House of Commons"; "Debate in the House of Commons"; Equiano, excerpts from "The Interesting Narrative..."
Writing: Annotated Bibliography Draft; Journal Entry 9: theology and history
In-class: Evaluation annotated bibliographies; issues in research
Annotated Bibliography Due
11/12 Veterans’ Day. No class.
IV: Music: Beethoven
All selections are from the reader.
Class meets in Phelps 1529 today.
Reading: Beethoven, Symphony No. 3 (audio; see web page); Burnham, "Beethoven’s Hero"
Writing: Journal Entry 10: music and meaning
In-class: Progress report
Reading: Beethoven continued.
Writing: Outline due; bring hard copy to class; Journal Entry 11: the self in music
In-class: Moving from outline to draft
V: Art: Blake, Friedrich, and Turner
All selections are from Vaughan, Romanticism and Art.
Class meets in Phelps 1529 today.
Reading: Chapters 1 and 2
Writing: First paragraph of final project; Journal Entry 12: writing and art
In-class: Introductions to longer essays
Reading: Chapters 3 and 4
Writing: First two pages of final project; Journal Entry 13: heroes and images
In-class: Transitions and draft development
Class meets in Phelps 1529 today.
Reading: Chapters 5 and 6
Writing: First half of final project; Journal Entry 14: landscape and the sublime
In-class: Handling setbacks and obstacles
Writing: Very rough draft; Journal Entry 15: final thoughts
In-class: Troubleshooting and small group discussions
Class meets in Phelps 1529 today.
Writing: Rough draft of final project due
Last Day of Class.
Final Project Due