Writing 109EC—Writing for Business Economics

Instructor: James H. Donelan
TR, 8-9:15, Enroll Code: 45955. Meets Tuesdays in Girvetz 1119; Thursdays in Phelps 1526.
TR, 11-12:15, Enroll Code: 45997. Meets Tuesdays in Girvetz 1116; Thursdays in Phelps 1529.
Email: donelan@writing.ucsb.edu
Web Site: http://www.writing.ucsb.edu/faculty/donelan
Office: 1319 Girvetz Hall
Office Phone: 893-8329; messages only, 893-2613

Office Hours: Tuesday 10:00-11:00 , Wednesday 11:00-12:00 or by appointment.

Texts: All books are available in the UCen Book Store.
Guffey, Business Communication: Process and Product (“Guffey” in syllabus)
De Thomas and Grensing, Writing a Convincing Business Plan (“BP” in syllabus)
If you do not already own a basic writing handbook, please purchase one.

Computer Program:
We will use ConnectWeb, an online writing instruction program, for nearly all assignments. It costs $20, and is available through e-commerce only. You do not have to purchase the program until you are certain that you are taking the class, but it is mandatory and cannot be shared.
Program site: http://connectweb.com/ucsb.asp

Course Description: Writing 109EC exposes students to the forms of business writing they will encounter in professional contexts as well as to methods of document analysis, design, and revision. Types of documents examined, through examples, include memos, letters, resumes, informal and formal reports, abstracts, executive summaries, and proposals. An important course focus is collaborative writing, so students work in groups to prepare a major document, often a business plan. Students learn how to analyze their audiences, clarify purposes, and develop an appropriate writing strategy. Students present both written and oral assignments using various computer applications to learn principles of effective text and graphic design.

Requirements: The course requires regular attendance, active participation in class discussion and activities, and timely completion of all assignments. In addition to the main graded assignments, you will write a number of preliminary and analytic documents. The relative value of these assignments and class participation in determining your course grade is as follows:

In addition:


I: Terms, Definitions, and Sentences: Entrepreneurial memo

Introduction and Logistics

Reading : Guffey, Chapter 2; BP, Chapter 5
Homework: Basic memo research; outline of memo
In-class: Group formation.

Class meets in the lab today.
Reading: Guffey, Chapters 8 and 12
Homework: Entrepreneurial memo draft. Please have it available as an html or MS Word file.
In-class: Introduction to ConnectWeb; memo workshop

Entrepreneurial memo due by 5:00PM on ConnectWeb.

II: Planning and Organizing a Large Project: The Group Proposal

Reading: BP, Chapters 1 and 4
Homework: Outline and personnel list.
In-class: Developing the plan; times and tasks

Class meets in the lab today.
Reading : Guffey, Chapters 13 and 14
Homework: Draft of proposal
In-class: Group proposal review

Group proposal due by 5PM on ConnectWeb.  

III:Paragraph Development: The Cover Letter and the Résumé

Reading: Guffey, Chapters 15 and 16
Homework: Cover letter and résumé draft due. Bring hard copies to class.
In-class: Job ad analysis; initial letter and résumé critique 

Class meets in the lab today.
Homework: Cover letter and résumé drafts online
In-class: Mock interviews; job application workshop

Cover letter and résumé hard copies due by 4PM in the Writing Program drop box.

IV: Persuasive Writing: Internal Memos and External Letters

Reading: Guffey, Chapters 10 and 11
Homework: Situation analysis
In-class: Informative and persuasive writing.

Class meets in the lab today.
Reading: Review Guffey, Chapters 8 and 9
Homework: Memo and letter drafts.
In-class: Editing and proofreading.

Memo and letter due by 5PM on ConnectWeb.

V. Executing the Large Project: The Business Plan

Reading : BP, Chapters 2 and 3
Homework: Meeting report
In-class: Progress presentation

Class meets in the lab today.
Reading : Review BP, Chapters 1, 4, and 5
Homework: Group task list
In-class: Addressing management issues; group dynamics

Reading : BP, Chapters 6 and 7
Homework: First half of section draft
In-class: Editing procedures

Class meets in the lab today.

Reading : BP, Chapters 8 and 9
Homework: Full rough section draft
In-class: Group editing sessions

Reading: BP, Chapters 10 and 11
Homework: Second section draft; bring hard copies to class.
In-class: Revising and combining

Class meets in the lab today.
Group Meetings and Assessment

Homework: Storyboard outline. Bring a hard copy to class.
In-class: Storyboard and presentation workshop

Thanksgiving Day! No class!

Homework: Storyboard draft
In-class: Creating a presentation

Class meets in the lab today.

Class meets in the lab today.

Class meets in the lab today.
Final class

Business Plan Due. Place a hard copy in my mailbox by 12:00 noon .